Copyrighted Japanese works such as animation, music, movies and video games have become highly popular, especially in Asian countries. On the other hand, large volumes of pirated copies have been produced, distributed and also infringements of copyrights on the Internet are now a serious problem that cannot be ignored. Based on the Intellectual Property Strategy Program etc., the Agency for Cultural Affairs is taking the following measures to tackle piracy overseas in coordination with relevant authorities and organizations.
Major anti-piracy measures
Requesting stronger measures against pirated copies through bilateral consultation meetings between the countries and regions where copyright infringements occur
Bilateral consultation meetings are held regularly to enforce copyright protection with government copyright agencies in China and other countries where copyright infringements are more serious. The Agency has been engaged in regular consultations with the National Copyright Administration of China since 2003 and with the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Korea since 2006. The Agency also concluded a memorandum for the purpose of the consultation and to create and reinforce a framework of exchange and cooperation on copyright protection.
In addition, a series of consultation meetings including the Japan-China Economic Partnership, the Director-General-Level Cultural Consultations between Japan and the Republic of Korea are held to discuss copyright issues and request reinforcement of anti-piracy measures through different channels. -
Providing training programs for developing countries
In cooperation with WIPO and JICA, the Agency provides training and seminars, and dispatches experts for Asia and Pacific countries in order to support development and reinforcement of their domestic laws and capacity building of CMOs (Collective Management Organizations). -
Supporting overseas enforcement by Japanese right holders
The Agency has made handbooks that will help actual copyright enforcement in the countries and regions where infringements occur. -
Holding training seminar
In order to enhance the implementation of law enforcement against pirated Japanese contents and piracy on the internet, the Agency holds training seminars for staff members in government enforcement agencies in countries and regions where infringements occur. -
Responding to copyright infringements at a global level
Since 2012, to promote and strengthen the enforcement on copyright protection from the point of legislation, the Agency conducts research, forums, seminars and etc. in countries and regions where copyright infringements occur. -
Reinforcing public-private partnership
The Agency reinforces anti-piracy measures through public-private partnership by supporting activities of the Content Overseas Distribution Association (CODA) and participating in a public-private joint mission by the International Intellectual Property Protection Forum (IIPPF).
Copyright Division, Agency for Cultural Affairs